Our Mission

Started in 2011, as a joint venture between Niall Johnson and Jose Alvarado, Toltec Coffee’s mission was to direct source premium and specialty grade micro-lot coffee at origin in Costa Rica and Central America. Our vision was to fill the growing demand for premium coffee a step (or two) above grocery store commercial grade coffee, but not as costly as the high-end-of-the-spectrum specialty grade coffee. It took us a while to meet the demands, and tastes, of the US and CR coffee markets, but we now have a great niche and client base. All of our coffee is purchased at above world commodity rates and from small and medium finca (farms). Yes, our coffee is not the cheapest on the market, but it is all premium and specialty grade; and it is grown and brought to market through fair, ethical, and environmentally sustainable business practices. 

  • Costa Rican Coffee Under Construction

  • Coffee Cherries Ready for Picking

  • Freshly-Picked Coffee Cherries

  • Coffee leaving the farm for the mill

  • Specialty Grade Coffee Drying

  • Speedy Delivery to Your Mug!

Costa Rican Coffee Under Construction